Basic education

Basic education is free general education based on a curriculum that supports the pupils’ growth as human beings and members of society and teaches them necessary knowledge and skills. It provides everyone with the same eligibility for upper secondary education.

Attending school is compulsory for every child residing permanently in Finland. Compulsory education starts in the year of the child’s seventh birthday, but it is possible to start attending school one year earlier or later. Compulsory education ends when comprehensive school grades 1–9 have been completed or when ten years have passed since the start of schooling. 


Wilma is the web interface of the school administration programme. In Wilma, students select courses, track their performance, read announcements and communicate with teachers. Through Wilma, teachers grade students and register absences and communicate with students and guardians.

Through Wilma, guardians track and clear students’ absences, communicate with teachers and read the school’s announcements. Wilma is also used by school personnel.

A tall building with a glass wall.
The Raahe City Education Department is located in BrainCenter. Photo: Päivi Vares.
Education Services

Rantakatu 5 D

FI-92100 Raahe

opetustoimi [at]