Early Childhood Education

All children under school age have a subjective right to municipal day care, i.e. early childhood education and care. The goal of early childhood education and care is to promote the growth, development and learning of the children through educational interaction in their natural environment. Early childhood education and care is based on the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care by the Finnish National Board of Education, which is the dominant document.

Of the early childhood education and care services, families may choose between the municipal day care, private day care or home care allowance.

Raahe provides high-quality early childhood education and care services in a child-oriented and family-focused manner. The services are focused on supporting the development of the child through diverse activities in cooperation with the parents. Day care is organised with the aim of flexibility between the different forms of early childhood education and care and with consideration to the clients’ perspective.

The Town of Raahe offers early childhood education and care services in the form of municipal and private day care centres, group family day care, family day care and play activities.

Pre-primary education is provided in almost all of the day care centres and schools.

In Raahe, the early childhood education and care services support the development and learning of the child: in addition to the early childhood education and care personnel, the children and their parents can rely on four early childhood special education teachers and an AAC instructor.

A colorful slide at the playground.
Photo: Pixabay.
Early Childhood Education

Rantakatu 5 D

FI-92100 Raahe

varhaiskasvatuspalvelut [at] raahe.fi