Pending plans

On this page, you will find the local master plans and local detailed plans that are currently pending in the Town of Raahe area.

Pending local master plans and local detailed plans are presented in greater detail on their own project pages. The plans are listed under the subpages Local master planning and Local detailed planning. The project-specific pages present the current phase and previous phases of the process. The documents that are available at any given time are also published there.

The location and area boundaries of pending jobs are presented in the search map below. All the area boundaries of pending local detailed plans and local master plans in the Town of Raahe have been placed on the map below. The map works as a zoomable search map with basic information on plans available by clicking on the area boundary. Project-specific pages can be accessed from the search map menus.

The search function below the map can be used to also search for project information based on, for example, the name of the plan. Pending jobs can also be found as image links at the bottom of the page.


Akm 249: Länsi-Kalkan teollisuusalue