Currently in planning
Current jobs in planning are mainly plans that are available for viewing at any given time. Announcements for the current work phases are listed below. The documents of all the published jobs can be explored on project-specific subpages.
During public viewing, it is possible to participate in the planning by giving feedback. Opportunities for participation are described and instructions are provided for giving feedback in connection with each job. Written feedback is submitted to the postal address for planning. The eRaahe contact form on the town’s front page can be used for electronic contact. In addition, for the purpose of contacts, the details of the contact persons for each job are indicated on the page for the job in question.
Jobs available for viewing can be found as image links at the bottom of the page.
- Ak 239: Ruottalonlahden asemakaavaehdotuksen nähtävilläolosta
- Akm 241: Ouluntien liikennepalvelualueen asemakaavan muutoksen vireille tulo